Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wrapping Up

We have been doing homework all week, wrapping up both our classes and our lives here.  It's actually been pretty fun, but very sad at the same time to go around and say our goodbyes.  I'm done with all my papers, including my integrative final paper, though I still have to revise that one.  Tomorrow morning we're going to hike Brayhead Mountain for the sunrise.  Then on Saturday I'm going into Dublin for a final souvenir run.  Then Sunday is dinner at Gwen and Monty's (the minister at my Presby church) followed by a debriefing meeting with Ruth.  Monday is a semi-free day, but we do have to pack.  Then it's up at 4:30, load the bus by 5:00 and leave at 5:15 in the morning on Tuesday.  It's winding down so fast.  I'm excited to be home, but I'm also going to miss the Y, all the FISPers, my church, and the ESL class.  

Right now I'm sitting in a cafe in Dalkey, a little town just up the DART line.  We're all just hanging out drinking coffee, hot chocolate, and the awesome juices that they have here.  I still have to stock up on tea for going home.  Lipton does NOT count as tea...  Anyway, this has been another rambling entry, so I'm going to sign off now.  Cheers.

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